This guide to factors influencing caffeine levels in coffee won’t give you an exact level of caffeine for each coffee drink, but it will help you make informed decisions about the caffeine levels you consume in coffee.
Caffeine Levels of Coffee Bean Types
Like different tea varietals, different types of coffee beans have naturally varying levels of caffeine.
Robusta coffee beans (the type used in many low-grade coffees and instant coffees) have about twice as much caffeine as Arabica coffee beans (the most common type of coffee bean on the market).
A naturally low-caffeine coffee bean (not decaf coffees) called Excelsa is sometimes blended with Arabica to create a lower caffeine coffee.
Caffeine Levels of Coffee Roasts
Many people feel that darker coffee roasts have more caffeine because they have a stronger flavor. However, generally speaking, darker roasts have lower caffeine levels than lighter roasts. This is because the prolonged heat of heavier roasting breaks down the caffeine molecule.
Caffeine Levels of Coffee Grinds
Different levels of coffee grinding are used for different brewing methods. For example, espresso and Turkish coffee require much finer coffee grind levels than drip brewed coffee.
Assuming that the brewing method is the same, the finer the coffee grind, the higher the coffee’s caffeine level.
Caffeine Levels of Coffee Brewing Methods
Different coffee brewing methods require different brewing times. The longer you brew the coffee, the higher the level of caffeine it will have. For example, French press coffee that is left sitting for a longer amount of time before the plunger is depressed will have a higher caffeine level, and lungos (larger, slower extractions of espresso) will have a higher caffeine level than ristrettos (smaller, faster extractions of espresso).
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