Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Ringing In The New Year!

2012 is just a few short days away and that means that it is time to check out the drinks that might just make an appearance at your New Year's Eve party.

First of all, I'd like to bring up a point of preparation for New Year's that is often forgotten until it is too late: The Hangover! I've been writing here long enough to know that this is one of the top searches on New Year's Day and I realize that many of you will be afflicted with this post-party ailment; admit it, you know it too. So, because some of the last things you will want to do Sunday morning (or what ends up being 'morning' to you) is 1) read (searching for hangover cures) and 2) scramble around the house looking for aspirin or the ingredients for a Bloody Mary only to find out that you have nothing. New Year's Eve survivalist 101 says be prepared for the after effects and this is a good place to begin: Hangover 101. Mix up or gather whatever you need for the 'cure' you intend to use and leave it in a convenient place before you venture out Saturday night. You can thank me Monday.

Second, and even more important, for surviving New Year's is to plan how you are going to get home from wherever you are going if you intend to drink. Enough said about that, just do it!

Now that business is done, on to the fun part...

Champagne is the iconic choice for celebrating the new year and while a freshly popped bottle of the bubbly is great, we love to mix here and for that I have a whole host of Champagne cocktails for you to browse. A few that I might suggest are: Ernestine Rose Cocktail, French Pear Martini, Sour Witch, and the classic Black Velvet. If you are not well-versed in handling Champagne my colleague, Wine Guide Stacy Slinkard, as some great tips for storing, corking, and serving which you will want to read.

If you are looking for cocktail options that go beyond Champagne but are in keeping with the theme of the evening, check out the New Year's Eve Cocktail list. One of my favorites on there is the Leap Year (a sweetened gin martini) and 2012 is a leap year, making it a highly appropriate drink for this occasion in particular.

Now, we must not forget those who do not drink alcohol and if you're hosting a party it's always nice to give everyone the option of non-alcoholic drinks. In keeping with the sparkling splash of the holiday, here are a few of my favorite mocktails for this occasion...

If you are hosting the bash you may also want to check out Donna Pilato's tips for decorating and planning a New Year's party.

Happy 2012! I wish everyone the best in the New Year, Cheers!

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