Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Tea Vodka Recipes

An image of Green Tea Vodka and the Yuzu Sencha tealeaves used to infuse it.
Tea cocktails are becoming fairly mainstream these days, but did you know that you can easily infuse tea and tisanes / herbal teas into vodka and other spirits at home?

With a little tea, a little alcohol and a little time, you can make your own tea-infused spirits to drink straight, on the rocks or in cocktails. You can also make simple syrup and it to your infused vodka for homemade "sweet tea vodka."

Here are some recipes to get you started with homemade tea vodka:

Have you made tea-infused vodka at home? Share your tips for great tea vodka with other About.com readers in the comments below!

Photo (c) Marko Goodwin
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